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British Values

At Guru Nanak Sikh Primary, we develop and promote the fundamental British values throughout our school and within our curriculum. These values are embedded through our school ethos and SHARE values.
Being a sikh school, a key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.
What are the British Values:
The DfE have recently reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”

  • The Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Individual Liberty
  • Mutual Respect
  • Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

As a school, we value and celebrate being part of Britain. This means that we celebrate traditions and customs in the course of the year; for example, Harvest Festival during the Autumn term and enjoy a pantomime visit at Christmas. We also value and celebrate national focusses such as Macmillan Coffee Morning, Roald Dahl Day, Chinese New Year and Safer Internet Day, with many more opportunities planned throughout the year to collaborate with the wider community and world e.g. Children In Need.
The table below is an indication of where we can find evidence to show that British Values are an intrinsic part of school like at Guru Nanak Sikh Academy Primary.





How do we promote the value of democracy in lessons and wider school life?

  • School Parliament Elections

  • Head Boy/Head Girl Elections

  • KS1 children vote for Golden Time activities and stories

  • Year 6 :- Understanding how citizens influence decision making through democratic process 

  • Debates on current issues (Link to NC speaking and listening) used as a teaching tool across year groups. 

  • Beginnings of Democracy in Ancient Greece – Year 5.

  • Circle time – everyone has a right to have a say

  • Every child to be a valued contributor that has a right to be listened to.

  • Ensure the child’s, parent’s and staff’s voice is heard
    - wow board, open door policy, parental volunteers, Parents’ evenings, Parent workshops.

  • Support children to take turns
    - Small focus group activities, circle times, turn taking games, use of sand timers, paired talk, Lolly sticks-TTYP Peer assessment


Children are able to work co-operatively in pairs and groups as well as in whole class situations.


Children understand how they are part of the decision making process and are a facilitator of change.


They understand turn taking and respecting the views of others.


Children practice democracy through school Parliament elections and through opportunities to debate in class.


How do we promote the value of the rule of law in lessons and wider school life?

  • School behaviour policy with clear sanctions and rewards.

  • Home/ school agreements – signed every September.

  • Class rules 

  • Playground Monitors have responsibility for active play equipment 

  • Visits to schools from public services (e.g. police/fire service)

  • E Safety/Cyber bullying – taught through the curriculum during E-Safety week.

  • Children learn in history how our country’s rules were developed and how they reflect the beliefs and values of the period (through time tunnel unit) 

  • Year 5 consider the rules of Slavery in Ancient Greece.


Children can articulate how and why we need to behave in school and demonstrate they understand and can abide by rules.


The behaviour of the children is extremely positive.


Incidences of serious misbehavior are very low.


How do we promote the value of individual liberty in lessons and wider school life?

  • Through SEAL/ PSHE children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspiration.

  • Foundation stage children have the opportunity to choose their own activities. 

  • JIGSAW has specific units around individual liberty such as ‘Good to be Me’.

  • Sports day held every year – July

  • Children are given the opportunity to celebrate their out of school achievement using WOW trophies in foundation stage.

  • Children taught to keep themselves safe including on-line through E safety assemblies, E safety week, PSHE lessons outside agencies.

  • Elements of choice in the school canteen within healthy boundaries.

  • Active listening promoted in the school to other opinions.

  • Self confidence and self-esteem nurtured and children choose to perform in shows such as the annual event at the Beck Theatre. 


Children understand the importance of accepting responsibility and their right to be heard in school.


Children demonstrate independence of thought and action.


Children with challenging behaviour have less incidents of aggressive behaviour.


How do we promote the value of mutual respect in lessons and wider school life?

  • School SHARE Values

  • Children learn that their behaviour has an effect on their own rights and those of others.   

  • Differences between people such as faith, ethnicity, disability, gender or sexuality and differences of family situations are discussed through PSHE. RE and assemblies. 

  • Anti – bullying week 

  • Stories from different cultures

  • We challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour 

  • Positive relationships encouraged and modelled 

  • Through assemblies we celebrate Remembrance Day (Poppies are sold in school and 2 minutes silence) 

  • Charity action by schools – Macmillan, Race for Life, Heart Foundation, Children in Need, Comic/Sport Relief and donations to SWAT. 


Children demonstrate respect for themselves and others in their general conduct and care for one another.


Pupils are able to explain how they show respect to others and how they feel about it for themselves.


How do we promote the value of tolerance of different faiths & beliefs in lessons and wider school life?

  • School SHARE Values

  • Through PSHE Curriculum and assemblies.

  • Visits to and from different faith groups/ places of worship:

  • Year 1/2 – Church

  • Year 3 – Mosque

  • Year 4 – Mandir

  • Year 5 – Synagogue 

  • Year 6 – Buddist Temple

  • Links with different schools:

  • Sacred Heart (Catholic School)

  • Moriah (Jewish School)

  • Bishop Winnington – Ingram (Church Of England school)

  • Focus weeks to learn about life & cultures of other countries e.g. Olympics, Football Word Cup, Chinese New Year

  • Discussions around prejudice and prejudice based bullying.

  • Reflection opportunities in Assemblies 

  • Workshops e.g. African drumming 


Children are able to articulate why respect and tolerance are important.


Children are able to talk about the different faiths and cultures they learn about, ask questions and show tolerance and respect for others of different faiths and religions.